Wall of Champions: Celebrating Success with Scholar Planet | Scholar Planet

Wall Of Champions

Name Adhyan
Contests Won Trivia Extravaganza, Handwrite & Shine
School KV No.1 Jammu

Name Angly Koul
Contests Won Handwrite & Shine: Notes Contest
School KV Jammu

Name RIcha Mediratta
Contests Won PPT Power Play

Name Kavya Anchalia
Contests Won Trivia Extravaganza
School KV Narangi

Name Akshat Kumar
Contests Won PPT Power Play, Handwrite & Shine: Notes Contest
School KV Nagaon

Name Anirvinya Jaiswal
Contests Won Trivia Extravaganza, Natural Vegetation, Aquatic World, Holi Bonanza, Algebra, Fundamentals of Science, Famous scientists
School KV Narangi

Name Himanshu Gupta
Contests Won PPT Power Play, Handwrite & Shine: Notes Contest
School KV no.1 Roorkee

Name Devguptakaji
Contests Won Trivia Extravaganza
School B B H B I. C Talgram