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The power of interactive learning

By~ Scholar Planet

Created At: 24 Apr, 2023


Interactive learning and traditional learning are two different approaches to education. Traditional learning is the method of imparting knowledge to students through lectures, textbooks and other materials. On the other hand, interactive learning is a more dynamic approach to education that emphasizes participation and engagement between the teacher and students.

Research consistently finds that interactive methods correlate with positive student outcomes, such as higher rates of attention, interest in subject matter and satisfaction (Bligh, 2000; Burrowes, 2003; Sivan et al., 2000).

"Interactive learning can help bridge the gap between theory and practice. Students learn by doing, by engaging in active learning and applying knowledge in real-world situations" - Dr. Ann E. Barron, Professor of Education and Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley.

In this article, we will discuss the power of interactive learning as opposed to traditional learning.

Firstly, interactive learning engages students more actively than traditional learning. Instead of simply listening to a lecture, students are encouraged to participate in discussions, ask questions and collaborate with their peers. This approach to learning fosters a deeper understanding in students.

Secondly, interactive learning is more student-centred than traditional learning. In traditional learning, the teacher is the primary source of knowledge and students are expected to absorb the information they are given. In interactive learning, students are empowered to take charge of their own learning and are given the tools and resources to do so.

Thirdly, interactive learning fosters critical thinking skills in students by encouraging students to ask questions and participate in discussions. This allows students to analyse information and draw their own conclusions, which is a valuable skill both in academic and real-life contexts.

Fourthly, interactive learning promotes teamwork among students. In traditional learning, students are often encouraged to work independently, which can be isolating and does not prepare them for real-life situations where teamwork is essential. Interactive learning, on the other hand, provides opportunities for students to work together on projects and assignments, which helps them develop important social and communication skills.

Hence, interactive learning is a powerful approach to education that can provide many benefits over traditional learning. By engaging students actively, fostering critical thinking skills, promoting teamwork and making learning more engaging and enjoyable, interactive learning provides a more holistic and effective way to learn. As technology continues to advance, interactive learning will undoubtedly become even more prevalent and it will be exciting to see how it evolves in the coming years.

We at Scholar Planet use interactive learning to engage children in the learning process. Our app makes use of various interactive elements such as games, quizzes and other interactive activities to help children learn in a fun and engaging way. The app also provides instant feedback and progress reports, which helps parents track the child’s progress. Overall, our use of interactive learning techniques makes it a valuable tool for children who are looking to improve their academic skills in an engaging and enjoyable way.

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